Wednesday, April 16, 2008



Or whatever you call it when you take the day off school for no reason. The husband was away with his son, my sons were at their dads, so I took a day off work so I could remember what it's like to be home alone. I never, ever get any time alone. There's always someone about, wanting something, talking to me when I've only been up for a few minutes (well OK, 2 hours), needing dinner cooked and generally, just being around.

Mind you, I think a large amount of the pressure I put on myself to be "doing stuff" is is coming from guilt somewhere. Guilt if I do nothing. Guilt if I'm setting a bad example by being on the computer all day. Guilt if the house isn't clean enough, guilt if.......God, I'd make a good Catholic, pity I'm not remotely close to being one. Anyway, I'll shelve the guilt theories until I work out where it comes from.

So back to when I dropped out of life for a day.

I wish I could say I did something grand and indulgent. But I didn't. I didn't leave the house. All day. I sat at home, on my own and did nothing.



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