Friday, April 18, 2008

2020 Summit - Bring Your Ideas, But Make It Snappy

So this weekend in Canberra, our Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, is having an intimate get together with 1,000 of Australia's best and brightest, in a debate on our national future. Among the invitees are actors, sports people and business types like James Packer. During the festivities, the rest of us who are presumably Australia's worst and dimmest, are doing the grunt work that makes this country great. We're at home cleaning in our jammies, we're out playing the pokies, we're at the footy, we're posting on our blogs, we're racking up more on our already overburdened credit cards and generally having a fine time.

While the summit goes all weekend, the actual time for debate amounts to about about 4 minutes and 20 seconds for each delegate - one hopes they can all speak very quickly. Still, all is not lost if some good ideas are put forward, albeit speedily, and then implemented. The word's "implemented" Kevin, none of this is any good at all if it's not put to good use. I know that's not always the forte of a government in power, but try anyway will you, there's a good chap.

I find it surprising Cate Blanchett is attending just 6 days after having her 3rd baby, and looking fresh as a daisy. Is she brave, has she got this motherhood thing down pat, or is she still just nuts on drugs from the hospital? Then again I guess, why not? He's portable, and just needs feeding and changing and some sleep - he's not going to disrupt proceedings by crawling around under tables and trying to pull himself up to stand using Kevin Rudd's legs or demanding to watch The Wiggles or whatever it is little people demand to watch nowadays. Thing is, I recall after having my sons, the last thing on my mind would have been attending a political summit. Attending my bed to get some sleep was about all that was high on my agenda. But then, I'm not "our Cate".

You can bet I certainly wouldn't have called my kid Ignatius, either.


Linda said...

My husband tried talking to me about this, so I missed the part about actors and sports people. I will have to ask more questions.

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